Soul food
I look back on myself all the blood,tears,and adventurous journeys
gaping the gaps in-between & considerations of people feelings
never once forgetting my place knowing ill be check quick so my Ps & Qs came right
loving the food we referred to as Soul food
Crisco,chicken.rice,greens,and homemade lemonade,koolaide,sugar water yeah!!the good ole days how it will never be the exact same ...
time takes a letter at a time losing a sunt,uncle, until the phase is nomore
to diseases and poverty I see no reunions only clashing of greed
we no longer come unless a person pass
and the term soulfood is r.i.p.
to the generations pass yep good ole food...
I Met A Lady By The Road she said son have you been to church? I said no.She said why Son? because the judgmental eyes are upon me .I go in jeans and timbos and a tank-top but a open heart to accept the heavens love. Lady look concern beyond despair grabbing MY LOST-HOPE AND WARMING MY EMPTY SOUL
back and fourth again hugging a job only to walk out of church cause i have no Ends raising my excuse finger so no-more will I return hatred I felt and a blind lesson learn Ma'am
Yes! why do you stand alone?I'm not alone son this is my home
for the life I once live is long gone I pass away leaving two kids and a husband in my grandmothers home
then how can I see you now?Son cause you need a Angel to help you walk this road.Confused hesitating to answer but he said I am a good person Ma'am yes you are
yet you lost the very thing to give you hope i'm here to bring the love of God back into your heart