I heard ole Men say
never marry a lady whom gone astray
she'll drive your fantasy a mile a minute fast
telling tales of glory yet a serpent in tall grass
lordy lord answer my call im turning away
from heaven. hell is knocking at my doors
One day I heard ole women say
you cant cheat on women care for them as
a new bundle of joy but lordy lord I been cut deep in my wounds
working a chain gripping my grief in this earth
im dead tired lord im dead tired my feet is crumbling
and eyes are wet there's a storm coming and no house
can cover me from this judgment day the end across thee way
cometh children far and wide my negro spirit is calling my life...
One Day...I heard the Ole me Say
live your life don't steal, cheat, cry, or suicide
even if your mirror break in waste side by thee shores
of Chattahoochee river I live my life lord I did all I could do
I been homeless living in my car making a buck for luck it came through
o lordy lord my parents are divorcing and I'm all alone I cant heal my Mama
pain or my dad playing hurtful games
I wont say this or that don't feel sorry for me lord
by all means this path was made for little ole me sigh....