Sunday, July 28, 2013

Anxiety Test

I been Avoiding the truth
afraid to look into the mirror
instead I rolled in my car pasting the truth
thinking it would somehow fly away or skip town
all the lies and truth cant bring me to the one thing I foresee
unloosen grip felt anxiety skin deep moving under the surface underneath watching locals basketball looking for a answer
its do or die tomorrow test and cant find a cheap way to pass
i honesty needed it hope for it but only looking at myself
seeing the failing truth but only hoping to pass
somehow someway some idolize feature I  pray


  1. diss-sedD....aint got---norRrED``````````````puRRrPlE~~~~0oO...willhlve 2 dew??!!??<^>~~~-aprime+haAAalL---~~~~b~~BB`````B~~~b~~~b-----bb+b=BBBBbbbbBBBBbbbBbBBBBBbbbBbbBbBbbBb~~~duhhh~bee_stung=like~duhh---$$tunNEe-dDd```callEe.~~~~~~~~~~~~~bb``-bb`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$t0ned~~~iMAA+q=latTEe-+reality<6>`~~~?!?><8^+9~~~~warp--69~~~mounted<^> poof

  2. use most of the b"s to represent my primal guitar beat condense M.M~ 2 meAANMN like 8 mile un+miss+steak+able walk a mile 4 a camelL toe..~~~ beet puple beets hmm eality art rules$44<^>... p000oOf0of HOMAGE' NoTeD~~~heAAD<^>~~~~oO0miroors$$$%7HaZZE

    1. N0W tHe. challEnN-yYy.DdD~e... to all the wlde +reality art then =reality---2 sQQEEWw$w$wWW444w WW~iThrEAAlL robin rocken TiT Taillwacker$$)0(~~~~--~----~~~~~~~~`-~~----~~```_FucQ$KkK-Jewshities and she eyetzzz...; hmmmmmmmmmm da boy can he beee beAAt+hen+ like a beAbber$$$$-e.G4g$g$$$ and if.. you ca nhave a silent W , in the real word whore why can't eye imp+ply ... <^> the "T" N ..<^> B~AA-~+hEn= freE bird~0oOo0Oo~HUMAN<^> from the lett-her?!? K,^> oar is reality they did that to me when they could have just in reality art rules just asked me the real life human complicated and con-play+kate+head babtist dont have to go down if they don't want 2 i nth eprivacy of thier own home and the world has bin spiNn+hAnG?!? don't play god humans ?!? if you are not human you dont recognize all the reality humans a$$ .. human the methodist like me might in real life do I T in the whlied, wild , whiled, while, Wiley , c0y0teAA
