Monday, December 16, 2013


Everyday I wish to be a great dancer
people never thought that dance  free you from bondage
a grip loosen a little in a way most wont understand
I remember seeing James brown,Michael Jackson,Usher,etc.
I never thought I'll be a Dancer I couldn't be in front of people
I was so shy it kill me to even give speeches but all that
changed by the grace of god

Is the most important word in a book
we are raise and taught tactics to survive these rough cities
My eyes saw the world as a usual place people never say Thank you
and shout words to discourage you for goals even teachers dont believe in the unbelievers at times
so family is everything when the world covers your whole reality to see the greener grass

I love somebody who I could live a life with she is a drop of honey from the
tree of Bees but the emptiness of the word fills my hope to for a wife whom loved the potential to be
a "good thing," I believe I was too late when I ask God to find someone not because he is on my time
but I will always deeply care for her until the day we both realize it and nobody can break it

Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Bio

I remember sitting in a corner at school
doing work but never answering the right dots so my progress report
said Failing crying all the way home on the Bus and in my room
out of sight and out of mind
Anxiety took me for a loop teachers telling me I couldn't make it
i wouldn't achieve they couldn't teach a deaf child with no hunger to succeed
what difference does it make if I was a A student or the worst
Ii deserve to have a trophy just like everybody else

Remembering back my mom help me through school
we moved so much I couldn't remember what my best friend name
was always making up people who wasint there angels who talk to me
all the time every city I lived in I never wanted to be behind
but every city I dropped the Ball  hated myself felt like
dropping out of school so many times and you know what hurt the most?
is always achieving but never reaching to finish I gave it my all God
its nothing left to give nothing more to see my Gpa is low my suspended sentence is my shadow
year after year this battle hearing people graduating its hard to smile
dej'vu if you ask me they leaving but im still here why not me
where do I go from here can't remember the last time I saw a trophy or applause  for me
all I ever wanted was somebody to see how bright of a star I could be but instead I got
call names the plot  worsen then anything children hurt in this pain still hunts me
over and over again I cant break its chain I smile when people say how nice
Ii am because that's the only memory that I cherish to claim

I remember one Halloween night we lived at the time in Tallahassee
Southside area my mom bought me a duck costume with a tail on the back
we got thet spray that ooz out when you spray it man it was a good time
my mom and dad never let us be bored or wanted anything shoot by the time
we got older we had bout everything making santa come less often
and gifts and trees go unlit this other time right I walk in this cornfield huge corn
I walk to this lake behind the field I always look at the water never stopping or flowing back up
I wondered if I could go with the stream well moving up to the place
there wasint a chance to fully enjoy life for myself  academics,childhood,adulthood
I turn every corner wishing to be honored by something I made by hard work a letter or a handshake something that built on my character but by the ending of my life when the book closese and im layed to rest i'll say to god was this what I was made for or am Ii just getting a another chance in heaven

Friday, December 13, 2013


  God Do you hear me?
I can't hear no plea for this hatred
in tall grass hiding in the picture I can't see
moving bricks crossed the Mexican Border
living in a fantasy popping in a dark hole to
Christmas snow ooz out
oops this is PG 13 so keep lyrics straight no weighted
word by word God come in my way
cause the clap of this gun powder explode turn chestses into potatoes
God Do you hear me?

I let go god slip in the cracks
broken away the way I look back searching
for wolves in a yellow stone park
swimming till I drown in my own lust
I bust three windows to finish the initiated
group cell block one closed the door
getting pride taking away in my own light
who am I tonight....