Saturday, June 22, 2013


Africa I am
Born to be a heritage four fathers
beating a Bingo Drum be awaken Africa
String a bee Honey blood to paint this world
Walk with the surface of ashes beneath my swift feet
when the world is a cruel masterpiece!
I look unto a cloud only to hell cometh down
awaken African Soul

I am greedy tho she seem to love
... me stubborn to be hug yet her arms
wrap my attire motherland so far
when tears come onto the plains
isn't that sunset I see when Africa
peaks over the darkest rest
and dust of Africa raises again


  1. You obviously have something to say and some talent for saying it. But you will have to work on your basic grammar, spelling and punctuation if you are going to get that message across, clearly and concisely, to your reader... That said I believe you have enough latent talent to make the effort worthwhile.

    1. Thanks Sir! I will do exactly that to further my poetry for the world.
